Monday, October 23, 2006

I love,,,

I love the way you play the guitar
the piano
how you can swim
how you can run
the way you play with your dog, running around the pool when she chases you
the way you play catch with me with anything we can play catch with

I love the way you cook, the way you can make the best meals and desserts for us without having to spend anything
also the fact that you know so much, that you can give scientific explanations for almost everything that I ask

I love the way that you're so gentle
the way you hold my hand
the way you put your arms around me
and the way you touch my face

I love the way you smile because of the simple things
the way you react when you see things like dolphins, penguins, dogs, cats, and otters
the way you laugh and how contagious your laughter is

I love the way we make each other's day
the way we can enjoy ourselves with almost anything

I love the way we dance together under the moon
the way we can just stare up in the sky and admire the stars

I love the way you look straight into my eyes, smile, and then say how much you love me

I love the way you love me, the way you make me feel that everything's alright

I love the fact that because of you, I'm coming up with a vague prose like this
the fact that it doesn't matter as long as I can say I love you. All because those three words will never be enough to tell you how much I do. :)


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